Monday, August 28, 2017

Hardware and emerging technologies

IT Fundamentals students have been busy learning the components of computers, and even the basics  of binary code.  Students converted a variety of things using binary and finished up by creating binary dice that go from 1 to 6.  We then used our 3D printer to print them out and send home!  Students are now creating presentations for 3 computer builds.  One build is for the CEO of an IT company, the other is for a student who is going to college.  Students will be to be able to decide what features and components they should use for each build.  Once we finish up learning about hardware, we will be ready to start learning about Operating Systems.  It's been a lot of fun with these students and I can't wait to see where our learning takes us next!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Week 2: Hardware and components

This week we will be learning about the history of computers, and will do some activities with binary code, then will get into computer hardware and components.  When we are finished with this unit, students should have a good idea of what computers are made of, how they are put together, and how to decide what components would be best for computer builds for a variety of types of clients.  We will also look at troubleshooting.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

IT Fundamentals (week 1)

Welcome to IT Fundamentals!  This is the first time we have offered this class in the history of NPHS and I'm really excited for the opportunity to teach it!  I'm also excited to see the large number of students that have enrolled in the course, and this is a great introductory course that can lead to an exciting career pathway in information technology.  We will spend some time this first week getting to know eachother, then will start learning about the history of computers and evolution of technology.  This will include learning important vocabulary and functions of computer components which will help us when we start learning about how modern personal computers work.  I'm really excited for this and can't wait to see everyone soon!