Sunday, October 14, 2018

2018 term 1: week 9: code for the web

IT Fundamentals is just about over for the year at NPHS.  Students finished or are just about to finish their mobile device application they designed and programmed using MIT App Inventor 2 (a block-based programming environment for beginning programmers).  This week, students will be learning to write code for the web.  They will work through 2 short modules to give them some basic understanding of the topics.  We will be specifically working on JavaScript, then HTML and CSS.  Once we are finished, students will take a summative assessment comparing the coding activities they completed, and will be able to explain when someone would use each type.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

2018 term 1: week 8: programming

NPHS IT Fundamentals students are finished with their troubleshooting assessment.  This week we will be learning about different types of programming.  Students will take part in a variety of programming activities, then will do an evaluation of each type.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

2018 term 1: week 7: networks and troubleshooting

We finished learning about networks last week and started our summative assessment.  Students are creating a network plan for a small business.  Their project will include a network diagram of all the components and labeled machines with correct class IP addresses, a floor plan with everything placed in correct places, including network cables and connections, and a paper that explains their plan and gives rationale to what they were trying to accomplish.  Once this is finished, we will move on to troubleshooting computer issues.  Students will create an interactive non-linear slide show that someone could use to solve any computer issue they may have.  Just a few more weeks left in class, so these will be a couple of assessments we really want to finish strong with.  Hope everybody has a great week!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

2018 term 1: week 6: networks

IT fundamentals is just about finished with their operating systems unit.  We are going to take a little time on Monday to finish up our summative assessments which is to compare and contrast 2 operating systems (Windows 10 and Raspbian Stretch Linux).  Once we get all of these assessments turned in, we will start learning about networks.  We will be able to identify major components of computer networks, learn to troubleshoot common issues with networks, then students will design a network plan for a small business.

Monday, September 10, 2018

2018 Term 1: Week 4: PC Design

It's week 4, and conferences are already this week on Thursday!!  Students all finished their PC builds last week and identified/defined components.  This week students are designing PC builds for their summative assessments.  Students will turn in their findings in a slide show presentation.  Once finished with this, we will be done with PC hardware and will start moving on to Operating Systems.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

2018 Term 1: Week 3: PC Build

Things are progressing nicely in IT Fundamentals.  Students did a great job this last week learning about binary code, and being able to read and write using binary code.  We finished the week off by making 3D models of dice that represented numbers using binary code.  We will be 3d printing off the best designs and sending those home with the students!

This week we will be really learning about the major components of computers, their functions, and how they work together.  We will then take what we learned and take apart a computer, identify those components, then will reassemble the machine.  This all leads us to our summative assessment, which is to design 3 different computer builds and give a cost analysis of the projects for 3 different scenarios.  Students will put their findings into a professional presentation that they will turn in for their unit test grade.  I'm very pleased with these classes, and can't wait to see them demonstrate what they have learned!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

2018 Term 1 Week 2: Emerging Hardware

Last week was busy, but we made it through!  Students turned in a paper that displayed research of careers and topics in the world of Information Technology and Computer Science.  This assignment was due by the end of class on Friday.  This week we are working towards the learning target of identifying trends and emerging technologies in hardware.  To do this we are starting with the evolution of technology and the history of computers.  Students are learning about early machines, and what factors caused the greatest advancements in computers.  Students will compare a variety of computers from the past, and will identify the impact they had on today's machines.  Students will also be learning how computers work, and will be doing some activities demonstrating their understanding of binary code.  Lots to learn this week, and I hope everyone is as excited as I am!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

2018 Term 1, Week 1

Welcome back to another exciting year at NPHS!  Our theme for this year is greatness, and we will be following this by striving for greatness in IT Fundamentals!  Students will spend some time getting to know each other and our interests in computer science this week.  We will also start learning about the history of computers and evolution of technology.  We have a lot of exciting things going on in this course this term, and students will have some great experience getting career/college/life ready in the exciting field of computer science!  Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Here is a short clip to get you excited about learning computer science.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

IT Fundamentals: term 3: week 3: computer build assessment

IT fundamentals has been working hard about learning computer components and discussing emerging trends in hardware.  This week we learned about the rise and fall of Compaq computers, and are about ready to move to our assessment over standard CIS.HS.7.4: Describe current and emerging hardware.  Students will be using the website to design computers for different users based on need and price.  Students will put their findings together in a presentation and will then turn it in for a grade.  The class really enjoyed having the opportunity to disassemble and reassemble HP desktops for a great hands-on learning experience.  Every single group did a great job of identifying the components with their functions.  Below is a picture from our PC build day.

There are a lot of eager learners in this class, and it has been a lot of fun getting to know them and learning about technology with them!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

IT Fundamentals: term 3: week 2: hardware

IT fundamentals class has learned about the career fields of IT and computer science.  Students then got an overview of the history of computers.  We are currently getting ready to learn about the components of computers.  We will identify them on a raspberry pi computer, and also a full-size PC.  Students will work in groups to simulate a human PC, where they work together to function and execute a program.  The next stage of our learning will be to take what we have learned, then apply it by taking apart and reassembling a computer.  Students will end their hardware learning experience by creating computer builds for 2 different scenarios that they will put into a presentation.  Students were excited to start receiving their 3d printed binary dice that they created after our binary code lesson from last week!  This has been a very fun class to get to know so far, and I'm excited to continue learning with them!