Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 5: Operating systems continued

Students are continuing to get experience using Linux with the Raspbian Operating System.  We are working with the terminal and using command line commands for a variety of administrative tasks with the operating system.  Once students demonstrate the command line skills to me, we will move on and do our operating systems assessment.  Students will write a full review that fully compares 2 operating systems of their choice.  They have had the most experience in this class with Windows 10 and Raspbian Linux, but they are free to use others (Android, iOS, PiTop OS, etc.).  Mid-term grades get posted this week, so if any students are missing work, they should be taking advantage of time before or after school to get caught up.  Just as in the work-place if you don't get everything done, sometimes you need to put in the extra hours!

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