Monday, August 10, 2020

IT Fundamentals 2020 Term 1: Welcome!

Hey everybody!!  Welcome to IT Fundamentals!  I understand our lives at home, in our community, and in our school are different right now.  With everything happening right now, and our current state of events, I do want you to know this will be a classroom where we can come in, learn about computers and technology, make us career-ready and marketable, and in doing so hopefully be able to take our minds off other things.  I'm looking forward to seeing everybody and getting our class started, and seeing us all become tech superstars this quarter!

A few essential links and information:

Classroom Blog: You are reading it right now.  I will update this page as we move through different sections of learning.

Class Bulletin Board:

Be sure you check your school gmail each day!

The Google Classroom link will be shared to you in email.

As we push through this school year, if you are in the classroom, or at home due to illness, or precautionary self isolating, etc., if you check your email, look at the bulletin board, and check this blog, you will see the information you will need for class.  You can also email me on my school email and I will be happy to help with any questions you have.  I want you to know I will do whatever I can to help you have a successful and fun learning experience in our class this term!

Mr. Petersen

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