Monday, September 14, 2020

IT Fundamentals 2020 2021 Term 1: Networking

 We already have make it to mid-terms!  This has been a crazy-fast quarter!  IT Fundamental students have been doing a good job of working hard, learning about computers.  This week, we will be finishing up our section on networking.  We have our assessment that will be worked on Wednesday through Thursday which involve creating a networking plan for a home.  This will be fairly comprehensive, and I'm excited to see what our students come up with.  Thursday we have parent-teacher conferences at school.  I have let your students know, but also wanted to communicate again that I will be unable to attend conferences Thursday due to a funeral for a family member.  If you have any questions over your children's grades, or want to have a conversation about their learning in the classroom, please send me an email, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I hope everyone has a great week!

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