Friday, December 18, 2020

IT Fundamentals Term 3!

 It's already term 3?!  It's 2021?!  That means it's time for another section of IT Fundamentals!  We will be learning about hardware and operating systems, networking, troubleshooting, coding, and much more!  I'm looking forward to working with you all as we begin our progression through the Information Technology career pathway at NPHS!

Monday, October 12, 2020

IT Fundamentals 2020 2021 Term 2: Introductions

 Welcome to IT Fundamentals!  We will be learning all about computers this term, and it should be a lot of fun!  We will spend the first week learning about our expectations and procedures for this course.  We will also talk about careers in the world of IT and also computer science.  We have a lot of activities planned, and I am excited to get started!

Monday, September 14, 2020

IT Fundamentals 2020 2021 Term 1: Networking

 We already have make it to mid-terms!  This has been a crazy-fast quarter!  IT Fundamental students have been doing a good job of working hard, learning about computers.  This week, we will be finishing up our section on networking.  We have our assessment that will be worked on Wednesday through Thursday which involve creating a networking plan for a home.  This will be fairly comprehensive, and I'm excited to see what our students come up with.  Thursday we have parent-teacher conferences at school.  I have let your students know, but also wanted to communicate again that I will be unable to attend conferences Thursday due to a funeral for a family member.  If you have any questions over your children's grades, or want to have a conversation about their learning in the classroom, please send me an email, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, August 28, 2020

IT Fundamentals 2020 2021 Term 1: Hardware & Operating Systems

Our third week of school is already here!  IT Fundamental students are finishing their assessment over current and emerging technologies by designing a PC build that fits a specific purpose of their choosing.  Some students are designing budget builds for the first-year college student.  Some students are designing a build for basic productivity and web surfing.  Other students are designing machines suited for high-end video/graphic editing and gaming.  Once they are finished, we will put our findings into a presentation.

Next week, we will begin learning about Operating Systems.  Students should leave with an understanding of what operating systems are, how they are installed, what applications come with different OS's, and should be able to evaluate pros and cons for various systems.

Our class bulletin board is updated each day and contains information for what we are working on.  It can be found at

If a student is in a quarantine situation, or if we should find ourselves in remote learning as a school, I will email a link to all students to our Google classroom.  The Google classroom work covers the same content, but in a manner which allows us to have similar experiences, but can be done with limited technology access.  Again, we will only use the Google classroom activities if we are not able to do work in the classroom.  Email me at any time if you have any questions.

I have really enjoyed working with this class, and am proud of how they have been coming to class with positive attitudes and are willing to work hard and learn new things.

Monday, August 10, 2020

IT Fundamentals 2020 Term 1: Welcome!

Hey everybody!!  Welcome to IT Fundamentals!  I understand our lives at home, in our community, and in our school are different right now.  With everything happening right now, and our current state of events, I do want you to know this will be a classroom where we can come in, learn about computers and technology, make us career-ready and marketable, and in doing so hopefully be able to take our minds off other things.  I'm looking forward to seeing everybody and getting our class started, and seeing us all become tech superstars this quarter!

A few essential links and information:

Classroom Blog: You are reading it right now.  I will update this page as we move through different sections of learning.

Class Bulletin Board:

Be sure you check your school gmail each day!

The Google Classroom link will be shared to you in email.

As we push through this school year, if you are in the classroom, or at home due to illness, or precautionary self isolating, etc., if you check your email, look at the bulletin board, and check this blog, you will see the information you will need for class.  You can also email me on my school email and I will be happy to help with any questions you have.  I want you to know I will do whatever I can to help you have a successful and fun learning experience in our class this term!

Mr. Petersen